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Call for Nominations - Deadline APRIL 9, 2025!

Call for Nominations Printable Packet

Nominations should be submitted via email to Kayla Leslie at [email protected] in Word or PDF using the provided nomination templates by April 9, 2025.

The National Association of State Personnel Executives is proud to present The NASPEs, an Annual Awards Program designed to recognize great accomplishments of state human resource management personnel. This prestigious program includes the Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Awards (for Leadership and Innovative Programs), the Eva N. Santos Communication Award, and the Advancing HR Professional Award. They highlight the innovative practices leadership engages within human resources either with an individual’s lead or with a cutting-edge program.

The NASPEs winners are recognized during the NASPE Annual Meeting held each summer. The winning program and leadership winners each receive a complimentary meeting registration and plaque. In addition, award recipients are publicized in press releases, letters to governors, and policymakers, and shared with state’s personnel office. All nominated programs are available in the Hall of Fame


Nominations from dues-paying states are considered for eligibility. Nominated leaders and programs should have a positive effect on the administration of state human resource programs. A state’s central human resource department or line agency human resource operations may administer nominated programs.

Programs and projects must have been operational for at least six months and must be transferable to other states. Selection criteria are based on the questions asked on the award application. Included in this packet are the specific criteria for each award and their categories. Nominations are encouraged in all areas of human resource management administration, but not limited to:

  • Assessment/Selection
  • Benefits
  • Classifications
  • Compensation
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Employee Assistance Counseling
  • Equal Employment Opportunities/Affirmative Action
  • Grievances & Appeals
  • Information Systems
  • Payroll
  • Performance Evaluation
  • Recognition
  • Recruitment
  • Training & Development
  • Worksite Health Promotions/Wellness


Submissions Must

  • Meet all eligibility requirements
  • Meet deadline requirement, April 9, 2025
  • Include a complete nomination template
  • Conform to all copyright laws
Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership
Nomination Template
Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative Programs
Nomination Template
Eva N. Santos Communication Award
Nomination Template
Advancing HR Professional Award
Nomination Template


Nominations should be submitted via email to Kayla Leslie at [email protected] in Word or PDF using the provided nomination templates.

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Awards

These awards were established in memory of Eugene H. Rooney, Jr., who served as NASPE President at a time of great growth for the organization. The program recognizes innovative state human resource management practices that ensure access and equity while enhancing productivity and service delivery. It also recognizes individuals who exemplify the character, qualities and influence that Rooney had on state personnel administration. 

NASPE presents an award to one program and one individual for leadership during the NASPE Annual Conference.

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership in State Human Resource Management

Nomination Template (please submit using the provided nomination template)


Please include the following information:
Nominee, Title, State, Agency, Telephone, Email, and Brief Bio (one paragraph or less)
Nominator's Name, Title, State, Agency, Telephone, and Email

Provide a narrative answer for each of the questions. You are limited to four-pages (based on regular 8 1/2 x 11” paper double-spaced in 12-point font). Also, provide one letter endorsing the nominee’s achievement. Do not send supporting documentation.


  1. Describe how the nominee has demonstrated leadership by participating on major state government commit-tees, task forces and/or special projects related to state human resource management.
  2. Describe how the nominee has demonstrated exceptional leadership in the field of human resource management beyond your state human resources organization.
  3. Describe the nominee’s leadership and/or management skills in implementing human resource management programs.
  4. Describe how the nominee has demonstrated leadership within the NASPE organization in support of NASPE’s mission to share information on human resource issues so that members can better achieve their state’s mission and business objectives. Include evidence of local or national acclaim in the field and influence on other states’ personnel executives.
  5. Describe any relevant state human resource management programs or initiatives that were successful because of the nominee’s involvement.
Nomination Template

(please submit using the provided nomination template)


Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Nomination Template (please submit using the provided nomination template)


Please include the following information:
Program/Effort Title
State, Contact Person, Title, Agency, Telephone, and Email

Please attach a one-page summary of the program. Provide a narrative answer for each of the questions. You are limited to four pages (based on regular 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper double-spaced in 12-point font). The four-page limit does not include the one-page summary.


  1. Please provide a brief description of this program.
  2. How long has this program been operational (month and year)?
  3. Why was this program created? (What problem[s] or issues does it address?)
  4. Why is this program a new and creative method?
  5. What was the program’s start up costs? (Provide detailed information about specific purchases for this program, staffing needs and other expenditures, as well as existing materials, technology and staff already in place.)
  6. What are the program’s operational costs?
  7. How is this program funded?
  8. Did this program originate in your state?
  9. Are you aware of similar programs in other states? If yes, how does this program differ?
  10. How do you measure the success of this program?
  11. How has the program grown and/or changed since its inception?
Nomination Template
 (please submit using the provided nomination template)

Eva N. Santos Communications Award

This award was named in memory of Eva N. Santos, who served as NASPE president and through her leadership sought to recognize excellence in state government HR Communication.

Nominations for the Communications Awards may include but are not limited to:
    • Annual Report: Communications piece that provides the reader with meaningful data regarding the status of the state’s workforce and the operation of the state’s human resource system.
    • Any Formal HR Report: Document published for a broad audience, including, but not limited to the legislature, governor, state agencies, state workforce, concerned citizens, etc. May include reports on workforce development, workforce planning, compensation awards/incentive programs, benefits or related topics.
    • Workforce Plan: Document which presents and analyzes workforce trends and issue and forecasts future conditions and objectives for effective workforce management.
    • Poster: A single sheet, advertising or promotional piece intended for mounting and display for product, service, or event.
    • Newsletter: A printed or online communication device, published more than twice yearly, with distribution to a specific audience including news or updated information.
    • Brochure: Multiple-page/panel piece that advertises, presents or describes the advantages, capabilities, worth and/or reasons to use a product or service.
    • Website: internet site which features your department or a specific aspect of a department or initiative.
    • Recruiting Communication Strategy: Communication method, through print or online publication, used as a recruiting tool and/or to enhance recruitment within a department
    • Public Service Announcement
    • Commercial

Nomination Template (please submit using the provided nomination template)


Please include the following information:
Program/Effort Title
State, Contact Person, Title, Agency, Telephone, and Email

Feel free to include links to websites and snapshots as part of your nomination.


  1. Provide a brief description of the submission
  2. How long has the submission been inexistence?
  3. Why was the submission created?
  4. How does this submission support the goals and objectives of your agenda/department?
  5. Have you been able to measure the effectiveness of this submission? If so, how?
Nomination Template

(please submit using the provided nomination template)

 Advancing the HR Profession Award

The HR professional’s role continues to evolve from transactional to strategic. This award will recognize programs and efforts within state government that address the changing landscape and, much like NASPE itself, serve to advance the HR profession by providing professional development opportunities, facilitating communication and networking between HR staff at all levels, and promoting a sense of community and value in HR work.

Nomination Template (please submit using the provided nomination template)


Please include the following information:
Program/Effort Title
State, Contact Person, Title, Agency, Telephone, and Email

Feel free to include links to websites as part of your nomination.


  1. Please provide a brief description of this program.

  2. How long has this program or effort been operational?
  3. Why was this program/effort created?
  4. What are the costs of this program/effort?
  5. How is the program/effort funded?
  6. How do you measure the success of this program/effort?
  7. How has the program/effort changed since its inception?
 Nomination Template

(please submit using the provided nomination template)

To view a list of previous winners and other nominations, visit the NASPEs Hall of Fame.