Awards - Hall of Fame

The NASPEs Hall of Fame features past award program recipients and nominations that highlight the innovative practices leadership engages within human resources either with an individual's leader or with a cutting-edge program.


2014 The NASPEs Hall of Fame

Congratulations to Pennsylvania for winning all three NASPEs Awards for 2014!

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership in State Human Resource Management

Jim Honchar, Pennsylvania

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Pennsylvania - Disability Retirement Outreach 
Tennessee - Three Pillars of HR (Honorable mention for program advancing the HR profession) 

Eva N. Santos Communication Award

Pennsylvania - Employee Onboarding
Maine - HR Briefing/HR Briefing and Beyond (Honorable mention for advancing the HR profession)

Oscar B. Jackson, Jr. President's Award

Deanne Mosley, Executive Director, Mississippi State Personnel Board 

All Nominations

2013 The NASPEs Hall of Fame

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership in State Human Resource Management

Kathy Nesbitt - Colorado

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Eva N. Santos Communication Award

Louisiana - Job Preview Videos

Oscar B. Jackson, Jr. President's Award

Randy Morris, HRIS Bureau Chief, Montana Human Resources Division

All Nominations

2012 The NASPEs Hall of Fame

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Leadership in State Human Resource Management

Shannon Templet- Louisiana

Eugene H. Rooney, Jr. Award for Innovative State Human Resource Management Program

Arizona- Interns in Action

Communications Award

Washington - State Workforce Data & Trends Website

Oscar B. Jackson, Jr. President's Award

Eva Santos, Director, Washington State Department of Personnel

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